Maths for early years

Active Maths Starters/Warm Ups
Some of my favourite active maths warm ups that can be used with FS/KS1 children. Resource is saved as an ActiveInspire - Primary flipchart as well as a PDF.
Disclaimer: I have not created and do not own any images or fonts in my resources. Please let me know if I have used your work without copyright. Files saved in flipchart format use ActiveInspire - Primary (will not open with Studio) and uses the Twinkl cursive font. If you need any information on how to open this please get in touch.

Year 1 Space Morning Activities
2+ weeks worth of Year 1 Morning Starters or time fillers based on the theme of Space (may be used/adapted for EYFS/Y2).
Opportunities for writing, maths and discussion. Resource is saved as an ActiveInspire - Primary flipchart as well as a PDF and Powerpoint. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I have not created and do not own any images or fonts in my resources. Please let me know if I have used your work without copyright. Files saved in flipchart format use ActiveInspire - Primary (will not open with Studio) and uses the Twinkl cursive font. If you need any information on how to open this please get in touch.

Year 1 Seaside Morning Activities
2+ weeks worth of Year 1 Morning Starters or time fillers based on the theme of the Seaside (may be used/adapted for EYFS/Y2).
Opportunities for writing, maths and discussion. Resource is saved as an ActiveInspire - Primary flipchart as well as a PDF.
Disclaimer: I have not created and do not own any images or fonts in my resources. Please let me know if I have used your work without copyright. Files saved in flipchart format use ActiveInspire - Primary (will not open with Studio) and uses the Twinkl cursive font. If you need any information on how to open this please get in touch.

Easter Activities
A few activities including a reading challenge for little ones to take part in over the Easter break.

Number Pegs - Representing Numbers
A mix of number pegs - representing numbers to 10 and greater numbers (to 100). Best printed as a multiple and laminated (2 on a page). Ideal for maths provision and lesson starters. Resource is saved a PDF file.
Disclaimer: I have not created and do not own any images or fonts in my resources. Please let me know if I have used your work without copyright. Files saved in flipchart format use ActiveInspire - Primary (will not open with Studio) and uses the Twinkl cursive font. If you need any information on how to open this please get in touch.